Each man is questioned by life; and he can only answer to life by answering for his own life

Viktor Frankl

Who am I? or Who are we? as a broader question. We all project a façade of some form onto ourselves. But does that define us? Is it who were are on the inside that matters as we are all told. Or is it whom we project outwardly. But are these personalities who we are seen as? or is there a difference between who we think we are, and who people think we are?


Why am I doing this?

I have always been interested in the question of ‘Who I am’ it’s a question that we will all ask our selves over our lives but few will actually go out and find the answer. Not in a sense of going to Thailand to ‘find yourself’ but to actually look at who and what I am. Am I who I think I am, and who I know I can be in myself. Or am I the person that people see me as. Am I a different person to different people, or am I just a dice with many sides to show?

Coming May 2022